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How to make rose tea


Needed products: Rose Petals, a different tea (of your liking) and honey.

In this case I use Bulgarian Organic Rose Petals, Lavender tea(because I love it) and natural apian honey.

When the water in the cattle boils you put Rose Petals and one or more types of tea of your choice, then close the cattle and let it brew for at least 5 minutes. You pour it a cup and add honey, to your taste. Don’t be surprised by the fact that because of the brewing the Rose Petals will become white.

I would like to warn you that if you overdo the consummation of Rose Petals Tea, there is a high chance that it will act as a laxative, but when in reasonable quantities there is no such danger.

The delicate Rose Petals Tea is very useful for the organism because it contains vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B12 and K. Except vitamins in them there are also a large number of useful elements from the Periodic table. The Calcium reduces the exchange of substances, helps the assimilation of the nutritional substances in the organism and increases durability against infection. The Potassium regulates the heart activity. It also contains copper, which participates in the vascularity and improves the work of the endocrine glands. The Iodine is beneficial to the thyroid gland. The Iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin. The Magnesium is efficient vasodilator and antispasmodic and the Selenium slows the aging of the cells. The Zink is necessary for the normal growth of the hair and nails, for the restoration of tissue and for the correct assimilation of the vitamins from group B. The Manganese participates in the protein and energy exchange of the substances, activates many ferments. Thanks to the Chromium the carbohydrates convert into glucose. The Molybdenum prevents anemia. The Silicon is an important part of the connective tissue, and on the Vanadium depends the strength of the bones and teeth.  Not only that but it also prevents the formation of cholesterol.

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